Sunday Times editor Emma Tucker announced as new editor in chief of The Wall Street Journal

The editor of the UK Sunday Times, Emma Tucker, has been announced as the new editor of The Wall Street Journal.

The Murdoch-owned News Corp, which operates both papers, announced on Monday that Ms Tucker, 56, would succeed Matt Murray on 1 February.

The paper said that Mr Murray will work alongside Ms Tucker during a transition period until 1 March. Mr Murray will then move on to another role at News Corp.

“As a long-time admirer and reader of the brilliant journalism of The Wall Street Journal, it is my honour to edit this great newspaper,” Ms Tucker said in a statement released by The Journal. “I can’t wait to work with the entire team at the Journal and my new colleagues at Dow Jones, who have done so much in recent years to publish journalism that matters and set new records along the way.”

Ms Tucker became the editor of the Sunday Times in January 2020. She started her career at the Financial Times, covering politics and economics in London, before heading out on assignments in Brussels and Berlin before becoming the editor of FT Weekend.

She was also the deputy editor of the Times of London before becoming the Sunday Times editor.

News Corp said Ms Tucker’s appointment was announced after she was unanimously approved by the five members of the Dow Jones Special Committee. The Journal said the committee was established in 2007 to review editorial standards and ethics at the paper.

“Emma is a brilliant, inspiring editor, with digital nous and the highest standards of integrity,” News Corp Chief Executive Robert Thomson said. “Her global vision and experience will be particularly important at a time of immense international opportunity for The Wall Street Journal.”

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