Snowflake Mountain viewers have a lot of opinions about Solomon

Photo credit: Netflix
Photo credit: Netflix

Snowflake Mountain, the new Netflix reality show, has sparked a lot of conversation on social media, not least around contestant Solomon.

In case you haven't had a chance to watch the new release yet, Snowflake Mountain
follows "ten spoiled young adults" who are "experienc[ing] nature without a parental safety net" for the first time.

Entitled teenagers and twenty-somethings from all over the world are dumped in the wilderness and must learn how to 'fend for themselves' (or at least adapt to life without their home comforts and parents doting on their every move) in the hope that they learn more about the lives they want to lead.

Photo credit: Netflix
Photo credit: Netflix

Early on in series, drama kicks off between contestant Solomon and Devon, after it emerges that some of his team decided to hide food from the other half of the group. "You are such a loser, bro," Solomon says to Randy, before shouting at Devon, "Grow up, you're 20 years old now.

"I brought the beauty when you brought the ugly. I'm the biggest somebody here."

Some fans were unimpressed by the outburst, along with some of Solomon's other behaviour towards his cast mates. "Solomon from Snowflake Mountain is just a horrible person," one person wrote, while another put, "Nope, don’t like Solomon #SnowflakeMountain He needs a serious reality check."

Someone else said, "Omg does anyone watch Snowflake Mountain? I need to talk to someone about how much of a terrible person Solomon is."

Others were more supportive though. "Loving Snowflake Mountain on Netflix. Solomon... I haven’t seen a menace like him on reality tv in a minute so for that, I thank him."

Another put, "lol I loveddd Solomon idc #SnowflakeMountain."

Reality TV loves a controversial cast mate.

Snowflake Mountain is now streaming on Netflix.

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