Simon Thomas and wife expecting new baby

Simon Thomas' baby joy credit:Bang Showbiz
Simon Thomas' baby joy credit:Bang Showbiz

Simon Thomas and his wife Derrina are expecting their second child together.

The 51-year-old presenter - who has son Ethan, 12, with his late wife Gemma - and his spouse already have 15-month-old daughter Talitha together and they are preparing to expand their family with a new sibling for Ethan and Talitha.

He shared a picture of Ethan and Talitha together, along with a sonogram picture, and wrote: "I’m excited and thankful that in about three months time (just in time for the climax of the football season ) a little baby brother or sister for Ethan Talitha will be entering the world.

"All we hope and pray right now is that they are healthy and that unlike Talitha; their entrance to this world is a little less dramatic and not quite as early!

"And finally, and most importantly, I’m grateful to God who is always faithful in whatever season of life I’m in.

"(And for those for whom the whole area of having children can be triggering, I hope this hasn’t been hard to read. As someone who went through the pain of fertility problems many years ago, I know something of how incredibly tough it is.)"

The picture also featured a cake for Simon's birthday and he shared some of the things he is grateful for as he gets older.

He wrote: "Today is another milestone in life’s rich journey as another birthday arrived.

"Do I wish I was ten years younger? Of course I do. But am I grateful for another to have got this far, to be given the gift of another year of life? Massively.

"These are just a few of the many things I’m grateful for today . . . . .

"Having a loving, caring and beautiful wife and a wonderful son and daughter. Having the chance to love again and be loved again after everything that has happened in my life is an incredible blessing.

"Being a blended family isn’t always easy at times; and we’ve had to come through lots of challenges along the way; but I am so glad that we’ve always held onto each other, whatever season we’re in.

"Work. After a few years in the uncertain world of being a freelancer; to be back at Sky, having regular work and being given the opportunity to present a show like Soccer Saturday has been a wonderful surprise and something I never expected as I hit 50 last year.

"It’s not been easy at times. It has been without doubt the most challenging job I’ve ever done and even with half the season now gone there’s still so much for me to improve on and get better at. I will always give it my absolute all and simply hope that is good enough.

"Anxiety. I’m obviously not thankful for it; but it is still a part of my work life and probably always will be; but I’m thankful that unlike in the past; it hasn’t stopped me doing what I love."