Senate leader Phil Berger’s GOP philosophy for NC is disingenuous

GOP philosophy

I read Senate leader Phil Berger’s April 22 op-ed and got the impression that the N.C. GOP is very happy to allow private business to relieve government of some of the burden of state business. But the N.C. GOP has no issue with government wanting to control women’s reproductive rights.

I also got the impression that the long arm of the N.C. GOP is happy to make decisions on behalf of the state’s residents — as long as they’re the party in power.

As for our schools. When even a few N.C. teachers qualify for SNAP/EBT assistance, they’re not receiving enough pay for the very important job they’re doing.

Karin Kemp, Matthews

Housing crisis

Regarding “Charlotte’s big names align to address city’s biggest problem: too many have nowhere to live,” (April 22):

In the 21 years I’ve lived in this county, there have been many task forces, study groups, and meetings to discuss affordable housing and the number of homeless people in Mecklenburg. It is with great frustration that I read about “plans” like this, year after year, while too little is being done to actually build housing and set up support networks to assist people in transition. Where are the architects, carpenters, drywall hangers and painters?

Vivian Brenner, Matthews

Police reform

When following the laws and rules of their agency, law enforcement officers protect the natural rights of citizens. Anecdotal cases of excessive force by police should be taken seriously, but often these cases are amplified in the media to apply rare situations to broader law enforcement encounters. It’s time for rational discussions on police reform.

Gabriel Russ, Lincolnton

Abundance of guns

The argument that blame for gun deaths should rest with people, not “things” (guns), is simply wrong. (April 20 Forum) Just compare the U.S. to other wealthy countries around the world such as Germany, the UK, Australia and Japan. The per capita rate of firearm-related deaths is 10-50 times higher in the U.S. than in those countries. Those countries certainly have people, and they certainly have to deal with mental health issues. What they don’t have, compared to the U.S., is an overabundance of guns.

Steve Larson, Charlotte

Biden, the court

Regarding “Expand high court? Biden should remember his words,” (April 21 Opinion):

I’m not sure about expanding the U.S. Supreme Court, but I’d prefer term limits of 12 years for the Supreme Court and legislative branches.

What I find in in this op-ed is a rigidity, the suggestion that those who serve shouldn’t be able to change their minds concerning a statement they made 38 years ago. I look at my thoughts of 38 years ago and I am pleased that I changed my mind on several issues.

I find it refreshing that politicians change their thoughts on issues. Change is inevitable, and those serving don’t have to be androids.

Ken Minyon, Charlotte

The free market

I don’t blame Nicolas Loris of the Heritage Foundation (April 18 Opinion) for pushing his unserious assessment of climate change and supposed solutions. But this was a free-market propaganda piece wrapped in Earth Day festivities.

I lived in Cleveland when the Cuyahoga River caught fire, inspiring the first Earth Day. It caught fire from solvents that were dumped there because that was the lowest cost solution dictated by the free market. That’s why serious people know that even free markets need boundaries.

Mike Lauber, Fort Mill

Noise uptown

The worsening scourge of loud cars and motorcycles plaguing uptown Charlotte doesn’t measure up to the COVID-19 or gun violence pandemics, but nonetheless represents harassment of Charlotte residents.

Hardly a day goes by when residents don’t hear roaring cars circling the neighborhoods. When the sounds echo through the uptown buildings, at times well past midnight, we must conclude that we have a scourge that is not being effectively handled by city leaders.

The recent fatal hit and run uptown and the wheelies practiced in uptown parking lots at night clearly point to a problem that needs to be addressed.

Fred Miller, Charlotte