Sean Haugh, candidate for NC House District 31

Name: Sean Haugh

Political party: Libertarian

Age as of Nov. 8, 2022: 61

Campaign website:

Occupation: Retired

Education: College

Have you run for elected office before? Yes: four times for state House, three for U.S. Senate, two for state Senate, one for Commissioner of Insurance

Please list highlights of your civic involvement: I delivered pizza for seven years, which gave me an education in how everyone lives.

What are the three issues that you see as most important to your district and what will you do to address them?

1) Legalize drugs and offer reparations to anyone convicted of a nonviolent drug offense.

2) Separate school and state as much as possible, allowing private educational options to thrive and giving parents more options.

3) End all corporate welfare, both as incentives and as special legal protections in the law bought and paid for by corporate special interests.

At a time when costs are rising, state government has a surplus. How should it be used?

The cost of state government should continue to be reduced so that taxes can be severely reduced or in many cases repealed entirely.

Will you vote for Medicaid expansion in North Carolina?


What has the legislature gotten right, and what has it gotten wrong, about public education in North Carolina?

The expansion of charter schools and deregulation of homeschooling are positive developments. Pretty much everything else is wrong. Far too much money is spent on administration and not enough on direct teacher support. Charter schools are still government schools, and so are run just as inefficiently. And now they have become an even greater battleground for political propaganda in place of actual education than it was before. We must allow all private educational options to thrive.

Should North Carolina change its abortion laws? How?

There should be no restrictions on abortion.

Please add anything else voters should know about your position on the legality or availability of abortion in North Carolina.

It is solely a health care issue, and as such should be of concern only to patients and their medical providers. Government should not be involved in any way.

Should medical marijuana be legalized in North Carolina?


What, if anything, should the legislature do to shape curriculum dealing with topics of race, sexuality and gender?

Shut the hell up. Let teachers develop their own curricula because after all they are the professionals we hired to do this job and know a whole lot better how to do it than legislators possibly could.

Do you accept the results of the 2020 presidential election?
