Scorsese's Silence gets serious early buzz from critics

Silence... getting solid buzz from critics - Credit: Paramount
Silence… getting solid buzz from critics – Credit: Paramount

Rather conspicuously released just prior to awards season, Martin Scorsese’s new epic ‘Silence’ is getting some serious early buzz from critic screenings.

There are no reviews yet, as they’re under embargo, but some US critics were unable to hold in their praise, dropping some plaudits on Twitter.

Village Voice scribe Bilge Ebiri wrote:

Many more chimed in too:

It’s not all love out there, however.

The movie has been over 20 years in the making, a passion project for Martin Scorsese, based on the novel by Shusaku Endo.

(Credit: Paramount)
(Credit: Paramount)

It stars Adam Drive and Andrew Garfield, Portuguese Jesuits who travel to Japan to find their missing mentor, played by Liam Neeson, who appears to have denounced God.

It’s due out in the UK on January 1.

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