For the record

A front-page article (“No 10 ‘tried to block’ data on virus spread in schools”, 23 May) incorrectly said that by 12 May there were 2,111 cases of the “India” Covid-19 variant (now known as Delta); that number should have been 1,313. The 164 cases linked to schools represented 12.5% of the total, below the 13% we stated.

The First Nations-led Yellowhead Institute, referenced in an article about the discovery of unmarked graves of Indigenous children in Kamloops, is based at Ryerson University in Toronto, not at the University of Toronto (“‘The school took away my brother at five. A year later, he was in an unmarked grave’”, 6 June).

It was Cornwall council, and not the Disc charity as we mistakenly said, which provided the figure of 130 homeless people who have been moved from hotels to make way for guests attending this weekend’s G7 meeting (“Homeless lose beds as summiteers take over hotels: charity”, 6 June).

An analysis piece (“Agreement to tax Google, Facebook is historic. Will Brexit Britain stay onside?”, 6 June) said Joe Biden had “a headwind of support for higher taxes on corporations and the super-rich to pay for his recovery programmes”. The intended word was “tailwind”.

Other recently amended articles include:

Catching up in Britain: experts assess the scale of the challenge

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