Reader concerned about how far justices will reach next if they overturn Roe v. Wade

What’s next?

In light of the pending Supreme Court decision ending the rights of women to control their reproductive health, it is worthwhile to look at the ramifications of the decision beyond the usual arguments.

First, the derivative law from which abortion rights were established was the Griswald v. Connecticut decision in the 1960s that stated there was a right to privacy. This ruling overruled Connecticut’s ban on women taking a pill for contraception.

Apparently, this right to privacy no longer exists. According to the Alito argument, such words do not appear in the Constitution. (Neither is executive privilege mentioned in the Constitution). Given the Catholic majority on the Supreme Court, it is fair to assume that the right to contraception is also in danger now.

Second, if rights held by Americans can be removed, what is next? The right for homosexuals to marry? The right for a black man to marry a white woman (Loving v. Virginia), the right for a state to pass discriminatory laws based upon race or sex or national origin?

Seems that it may all be up for review now.

Warren Hix, Columbia

Honoring nurses

In celebration of National Nurses Week, the S.C. Association of Nurse Anesthetists thanks nurses of every stripe for being the front-line providers who care for patients during their times of greatest need.

In the operating room, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs), circulating nurses and scrub nurses work together to ensure patients’ comfort and safety.

Delivering our patients to recovery, we know they will be well cared for by vigilant PACU nurses. In the ICU, critical care nurses meet patients’ complicated healthcare needs.

CRNAs have walked in these nurses’ shoes, as we must acquire critical care nursing experience prior to nurse anesthesia school.

Finally, situated in their hospital room, patients continue toward wellness under the watchful care of bedside nurses.

In the emergency room, CRNAs work with heroic ER nurses on the front lines of trauma.

In OB, the labor epidurals we provide new moms assist the nurses who help bring new lives into the world.

For the women and men who comprise the community of nurses, patient care is more than a livelihood, it’s an honor and privilege.

Elizabeth Wilkes, Aiken

Bad role model

Lashonda McFadden should resign from the Richland 2 School Board.

The news is full of students, at all levels, becoming more disruptive and violent, both physically, socially, verbally and psychologically. What do you expect when their role-models, like Ms. McFadden, can’t control themselves in a public forum?

Like it or not, she is a role-model for not only the African American community, but also for women. What kind of an example is she providing?

And apologies don’t change what was said or how it was viewed.

Some of those who look up to people like Ms. McFadden, will use her behavior as a reason to act the same way. She needs to go.

Bruce Converse, Gilbert

Frustrated resident

I am greatly concerned about the obvious shortage of deputies in the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department. This can be the only explanation for their failure to respond to my complaint.

I am 71 years old and admit to being a crotchety old woman at times. Nothing brings this on quicker than hearing the constant thump of someone’s bass. No other sound, just thump, thump, thump.

I recently made repeated complaints about this to dispatch, and nothing was done.

I have to wonder if the lack of response has anything to do with the fact that I live in a trailer park and the source of the noise is a residential neighborhood.

Peggy Parrish, Gaston