In the market for a mover? Here are some resources to check

If you are planning a big move, here is some material that might help navigate the terrain.

Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Moving Within Florida: Know Your Rights and Responsibilities (Practical tips on dealing with a mover, preparing for a move)

Attorney General Ashley Moody News Release: Moving Scams Consumer Alert (More tips, and a link to file a complaint with the state of Florida)

Comunicado de Prensa de la Procuradora General Ashley Moody: Alerta Al Consumidor Sobre Estafas de Mudanzas (The Florida attorney general site, in Spanish)

Better Business Bureau Scam Alert: Avoid Moving Scams This National Moving Month

Know Your Mover: a Better Business Bureau study (This is a very detailed examination of price gouging, possessions taken hostage and other hazards to avoid when hiring a mover.)

Better Business Bureau Study: Moving Scams Cause Financial and Emotional Nightmares (An article summarizing the findings of the BBB study)

More helpful tips and red flags regarding moving scams can be found in the Office of the Attorney General’s “Scams at a Glance: On the Move” brochure.

They made it to Florida, but their possessions didn’t. One couple’s relocation nightmare

To view “Scams at a Glance: On the Move” in English, click here.

To view “Scams at a Glance: On the Move” in Spanish, click here. a compilation of moving company horror stories and a few about moving in general. (The privately run site accepts paid sponsorships and offers a list of “endorsed” movers.)

Consumer Affairs, 10 Ways To Protect Yourself From Moving Fraud (Useful advice from a private organization, though companies featured on the website pay to be there.)

Additional tips and resources can be found by visiting the United States Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s website here.