Lettuce Outlasts Resigned UK Prime Minister Liz Truss in Viral Video

Liz Truss’s short-lived stint as U.K. prime minister had no salad days.

As the embattled leader resigned Thursday, fans of a head of lettuce that had become a caricature of her flailing administration celebrated – and some even called for the iceberg to take power.

“We don’t have a government, the lettuce might as well be running the country or the tofu,” Labour MP Chris Bryant told the Daily Star, a left-leaning British tabloid that set up a video of the vegetable waiting out the government turmoil.

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“Will Liz Truss outlast this lettuce?” the video asked when it was set up Oct. 14, just over a month after the Conservative leader took power on Sept. 6, following Boris Johnson’s resignation.
The stunt was inspired by a comment from The Economist magazine, which said on Oct. 11 that her hold on power was “roughly the shelf-life of a lettuce” after her leadership mandate started to crumble just a few days after she took power.

The video featured the iceberg wearing a blonde wig next to a photo of Truss and a countdown clock. Various coffee mugs, miniature Union Jack flags and other props were added to the livestream each day during the countdown.

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On Wednesday, Truss vowed that she would stay in power, but by Thursday, the gig was up, and she became the shortest-serving prime minister in British history with 45 days in office.

“I recognize, given the situation, I cannot deliver the mandate on which I was elected by the Conservative Party,” Truss said in a hastily scheduled statement outside 10 Downing Street. “I have therefore spoken to His Majesty the King to notify him that I am resigning as leader of the Conservative Party.”

As Truss resigned, the video morphed into a party scene, complete with soundtrack of “God Save the King,” colorful lights and the photo of Truss lying face-down.

Nearly 20,000 people watched the live transformation, The New York Times reported. And the video has now been turned into various memes dragging Truss, as seen below:

Truss will remain in office a few more days to handle the transition, but no successor has yet been chosen.

Her departure followed a day of chaos Wednesday after Home Secretary Suella Braverman — the leader of national security — stepped down, the latest in a wave of resignations from the fledgling government leadership, and that was followed by two leaders in Parliament quitting their posts as well.

The leadership breakdown followed the collapse of a series of economic measures aimed at stemming high inflation, and a raucous debate over the possible revival of shale oil fracking.

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