Lauren Boebert Compromises Herself With Badly Flawed Attack On Hunter Biden

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) shared a video of herself pacing the stage at the Conservative Political Action Conference as she ranted about Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden and a favorite target of conspiratorial right-wing rage.

Just one problem: In a tweet with a clip of the rant, Boebert apparently wanted to call the younger Biden “compromised,” but instead called him “comprised.” subtweeted Boebert on Sunday with an explainer on the word:

Boebert deleted the tweet, but the screenshots live on:

Lauren Boebert (Photo: HuffPost)
Lauren Boebert (Photo: HuffPost)

Lauren Boebert (Photo: HuffPost)

The typo caused “comprised” to trend on Twitter with comments such as these:

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.
