International Stuttering Awareness Day 2020 Quotes And HD Images: WhatsApp Messages, Wallpapers, And Inspiring Thoughts to Share & Create Awareness About the Observance

International Stuttering Awareness Day (ISAD) is observed in the United Kingdom and Ireland since 1998. The day is observed to raise awareness about the issue of stuttering faced by millions of people. About one perfect of the world's population stutter or stammer and a day is assigned to highlight the issue on October 22 to educate people about it. Various events and campaigns are held to highlight how life can be difficult for people who stammer as how others can help them in the process. The day aims to challenge negative attitudes of people towards those who stutter. As we observe International Stuttering Awareness Day, we bring to you inspiring quotes, HD Images and wallpaper to share on the occasion. Why Do People Stammer? Learn More About the Speech Impediment.

Also Read | International Stuttering Awareness Day 2019: Why Do People Stammer? Learn More About the Speech Impediment

ISAD also conducts online events running from October 1 to 22 for people who stutter. On the observance, they also celebrate popular figures who stammer but have made a name for themselves in different fields of society ranging from art, movies, music, science and politics. On the day, they inspire others who have the same issue to aim higher and not let stammering or stuttering come in their way towards their goals. The day is also about possible speech therapies that individuals can try to reduce the issue of stuttering. However, majorly it is about achieving one's dreams without letting society control one's future. Boys Stammer More Than Girls, and Other Shocking Facts About Stuttering.

International Stuttering Awareness Day Quotes (Photo Credits: File Image)

Also Read | International Stuttering Awareness Day 2019: How to Stop Stammering; 6 Tips to Manage the Speech Impairment

Quote Reads: “I May Be Deprived of Eloquence, but My Mind Can Never Be Dumb.” Michael Bassey Johnson

International Stuttering Awareness Day (Photo Credits: File Image)

WhatsApp Message Reads: International Stuttering Awareness Day 2020

International Stuttering Awareness Day 2020 Quote (Photo Credits: File Image)

Quote Reads: “It’s Nothing to Be Ashamed of to Have a Stutter.” Emily Blunt

International Stuttering Awareness Day (Photo Credits: File Image)

WhatsApp Message Reads: International Stuttering Awareness Day

International Stuttering Awareness Day Quote (Photo Credits: File Image)

Quote Reads: “When I’m Nervous, I Stutter, and I Had to Keep Stopping and Starting.” – Amy Winehouse

International Stuttering Awareness Day also tries to debunk myths of people who stammer are less intelligent or nervous. You can send these thoughtful messages with people who stammer and motivate them to achieve their dreams and not let society decide their future.