Geraldo Rivera knows what he’s saying comparing Roger Marshall to Jerry Springer

You know you’re having a bad day when Geraldo Rivera thinks you’re too rude.

“Senate used to be ‘the world’s most deliberative body,’” Rivera tweeted Tuesday. “Lately, it’s been a Bazaar for Bozos.

“The low-brow, rudeness displayed by senators like (Rand) Paul and (Roger) Marshall has remade the Upper Chamber into a Jerry Springer Show,” he continued.

Rivera is, of course, an expert on bozo bazaars. The Fox News correspondent once hosted a TV tabloid talk show with titles such as “Agony and Exxxtasy” and “Devil Worship: Exposing Satan’s Underground.”

Sadly, though, the flamboyant media figure is right: The U.S. Senate has turned into an insult-fest. Actual accomplishment has given way to Don Rickles-like blather from senators such as Ted Cruz, Paul, and Kansas’ Marshall.

In Marshall’s world, getting on television is more important than, you know, helping people. And casual insults are the way to get there.

Maybe the junior senator from Kansas and Rivera should get together and compare notes. The TV special is obvious: Geraldo can explain what was in Al Capone’s vault, and Marshall can explain why hydroxychloroquine prevents COVID-19.

Or Marshall can actually do the people’s business, which seems like a better idea.