Gas and Ash Fill the Sky as La Palma Volcano Continues to Erupt

The Cumbre Vieja volcano on the Spanish island of La Palma continued to erupt on September 24, filling the skies with thick clouds of gas and ash.

This footage shows the air filled with gray clouds of gas and pyroclastic material. The volcano can be heard bellowing as it erupts.

“In explosive volcanic eruptions, shockwaves are generated due to the sudden decompression of the system. These waves of compressed air propagate through the atmosphere and can travel for kilometers at speeds faster than that of sound,” Involcan captioned the video.

Eruption activity at Cumbre Vieja was first reported at around 3:30 pm local time on September 19. Scientists with the European Space Agency’s Copernicus program forecast that toxic sulfur dioxide gas emitted by the volcano would spread over the Iberian Peninsula by Friday, September 24. Credit: Involcan via Storyful