Fort Worth ISD bus routes in an easy-to-use locator map. Punch an address, find your stop.

Fort Worth ISD has released new information on school bus routes for the upcoming school year.

The first day of school for Fort Worth students is Aug. 15 — a mere week away. Families looking to grab a few last-minute free school supplies have a few options over the coming week and weekend at several North Texas events.

Parents can check out the new school bus routes here in an easy-to-use locator map or by visiting Fort Worth ISD’s transportation website and clicking the tab saying “Which school bus do I ride?”.

The only thing parents need to do is enter their address into the locator and find the nearest school bus pickup location. There have been a few changes to the routes from last year to improve performance and reliability, according to the district.

For students using the special needs bus, information will be communicated directly to the parents or guardians. For any other questions related to transportation, parents can call the transportation office at 817-815-7900.

Transportation by school bus is provided for students who live two miles or more from their assigned school.