Fiona Apple Just Dropped Her First Album in Eight Years, and Twitter Is Losing It

If you were a slightly alt-of-center woman at any point during the 1990s, you need no introduction to Fiona Apple. If you weren’t, (a) your loss, and (b) she’s the perpetually moody singer-songwriter whose hits—including “Criminal,” “Paper Bag,” and “Sleep to Dream”—helped define a decade. Apple is frequently mentioned in the same sentences as Liz Phair, Alanis Morissette, and Tori Amos: female singers who changed the face of music history simply by rejecting the idea that a woman onstage with a microphone had to sing for the approval of men.

Few who saw it live can forget Apple’s incendiary acceptance speech at the 1997 VMAs, but these days, her words from back then ring truer than ever: “This world is bullshit. And you shouldn’t model your life [...] about what you think that we think is cool, and what we’re wearing, and what we’re saying and everything. Go with yourself.”

Apple hasn’t released a full-length album since The Idler Wheel came out in 2012, but the clock reset on Friday, when the 42-year-old musician provided the perfect soundtrack to our strange current circumstances with Fetch the Bolt Cutters, a 13-track album that’s already earning rave reviews (“No music has ever sounded quite like it,” read a review on Pitchfork).

Fetch the Bolt Cutters was recorded entirely at Apple’s Venice Beach home, which feels all too appropriate for these days of social distancing, but it’s already reaching far and wide, as seen on Twitter, which was full of fans eagerly awaiting Apple’s return to music. Below, find the very best tweets about Apple’s latest album.

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Originally Appeared on Vogue