Family wanted: A caring teen, Robert wants to be a police officer to help his community

A talented all-around athlete, Robert excels in basketball, baseball and football. And he’s super excited about playing on his school basketball team.

Robert, 13, is also interested in boxing and wrestling and loves playing video games, such as Fortnite and Grand Theft Auto. A compassionate kid who always strives to be respectful, he’s also creative and enjoys building things and working on arts and crafts..

If Robert could visit any place in the world, he would love to explore Mexico and learn more about his Mexican heritage. He loves Mexican music, is currently obsessed with singer Peso Pluma and would love to learn Spanish and cook traditional Mexican dishes. Robert dreams of becoming a police officer someday to help people in his community.

If you are interested in becoming an adoptive parent, visit the Adopt Kansas Kids website at You can also send an email to or call 855-AdoptKS (855-236-7857).

Robert’s case number is CH-8072.