Family wanted: Alan is a sweet, caring and affectionate boy who loves to help others

Alan is a sweet, caring and affectionate boy. He loves to help other people. In fact, when he grows up, Alan would like to walk around the city and ask everyone what he can do for them.

Alan, 9, loves to spend time outside. He likes to stay active by running and exercising. His favorite class in school is PE because he likes the climbing wall. In his free time, Alan likes to do art projects and build things. He also is an animal lover and enjoys all different types of animals.

Alan is looking for a family that likes to stay active and do things together. He will need a nurturing family that can provide him with patience and consistency. The family would need to be honest and follow through with what they say. Only families living in Kansas are being considered at this time.

If you are interested in becoming an adoptive parent, visit the Adopt Kansas Kids website at You can also send an email to or call 855-AdoptKS (855-236-7857).

Alan’s case number is CH-8037.