Episode 4: Jackson South gets through first COVID wave, but virus fears invade home

Episode 4: Tested

The first wave of cases has passed and the COVID unit at Jackson South is closed — for now. But the strain on the families continues, with COVID still a simmering threat.

Julio is back in Jackson housing, and his children are with his parents as his wife waits for test results. They are both without their kids, their worst fear. Andrew and Julio work together to help Julio’s wife, Elizabeth, who is terrified and alone.

Dianne Washington attends an empty church service for her husband and son because she doesn’t want anyone to gather for the funeral and potentially spread the infection. She tries to be strong as she watches the love of her life being lowered into the ground — from a distance.

In Episode 4 of Inside the COVID Unit, cases may have fallen but a second surge is being predicted. The disease continues to take its toll.