Donald Trump Scarier Than Ever in Horror Movie Mashups


The thought of Donald Trump becoming the 45th president of the United States is enough to scare the hair right off of some people. And the Photoshop aces on DesignCrowd have taken that Trump fear factor a few steps further — churning out over 100 images of the gaudy real estate mogul in scenes from iconic horror movies.

Inspired by a photo of Trump terrorizing a knife-wielding Shelley Duvall in a meme from The Shining that went viral a few weeks ago, the Australian design firm crowd-sourced 124 similarly themed designs in an online contest.

The winner, from a designer named Omee, was simple but inspired, adding Trump’s reflection to a glass door opposite a horrified Drew Barrymore in the first Scream. Check it out:


But there are plenty more worth sharing. Like another goodie from The Shining:


Trump in Jaws:


Trump in The Omen:


Trump in Alien:


And hey, even if you’re a Donald Trump supporter, hopefully you can still appreciate the artistry.

H/T E Online