Donald Trump is 'most incompetent president' in US history, says Joe Biden

Donald Trump is the "most incompetent president in the history of the United States of America", president-elect Joe Biden has said.

Responding to the US president's announcement that he would not be going to the inauguration, Mr Biden said it was a "good thing".

He said it was one of the few things he and Mr Trump agreed on, before saying the outgoing president had "embarrassed" the US around the world and was "not fit to serve".

Mr Biden said: "He has exceeded even my worst notions about him."

The president-elect continued: "There are two ways people are inspired - by inspirational leaders and by terrible leaders.

"What this president has done is ripped the bandage right off to let the country know who he is and what he's about, and how thoroughly unfit for office he is."

Mr Biden went on to say a number of Republicans should be "ashamed of themselves", before adding: "But they make up a minority of the Republican party.

"This isn't about Republican-Democrat anymore. This is about people who understand what this country is about and the things we have to agree on and move together on."

He added that Republicans he has spoken to in recent weeks understand that they need to be part of an opposition that is "principled and strong".

The president-elect said some of them had also talked about how "shameful" it is that their fellow Republicans Ted Cruz and others have continued to support Mr Trump.

Mr Biden said those who continue to support the president's actions should be "flat-beaten" the next time they run for office, adding: "I think the American public has had a real good clear look at who they are."

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The president-elect had earlier said those responsible for the death of a police officer in the Capitol building should be held accountable.

Brian Sicknick died from the injuries he suffered when Trump supporters stormed Congress.

A total of five people died due to the chaos.

Mr Trump tweeted earlier to say he would not be going to Mr Biden's inauguration.

He wrote: "To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th."

Mr Trump is expected to travel to his Florida resort ahead of the event, according to a source.