Does using powder before foundation lead to longer lasting makeup?

The hack
Switching the order of your face makeup by using powder first and ending with foundation.

The test
Powder is usually the final “setting” step to seal foundation and concealer, but some on TikTok suggest that using it before foundation can keep your makeup in place for longer and give a better finish. I dusted my moisturised face in Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder, followed by a spritz of Urban Decay All Nighter Setting Spray (from £12). Once my face dried, I smoothed over Benefit Porefessional Lite Primer from (£12.50) and only then applied foundation (Maybelline Fit Me Matte, £5.99). The result was a surprisingly smooth finish.

Why does it work? Well, it’s likely the powder neutralises any oil, giving a more even base for anything applied afterwards. The setting spray adds “grip” for the primer, which smooths everything down. By the time you apply foundation, your skin is like a wall that’s been plastered and sanded before that final lick of paint.

The verdict
My makeup stayed put for an unprecedented day and night, but my skin was far drier than usual. This is a great hack for people with oilier skins who want that super-matte effect, but for a dewier finish, or if your makeup routine is more minimal, adding a primer to your regular make up routine will upgrade your finish.