Did You Spot This Tabloid’s EPIC Star Wars Fail?

Every now and then we see someone, somewhere make a blunder. But such a prominent one in a national newspaper - especially where it concerns ‘Star Wars’ of all things - is, as you’d imagine, unforgivable.

In a double page spread from last week’s Daily Star, eagle-eyed fans amongst us might’ve spotted the gaff instantly. Others may have required a second take, because something doesn’t look quite right with that X-Wing, does it?

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Have a look below and see how long it take you to pick out the (more than one) glaring mistakes…

Noticed yet? Well just in case you can’t see what’s going on here, the centrepiece is of an X-Wing, clearly.

However, not only does it appear to be flying backwards, but it has lasers shooting from all four of its engines. George Lucas would’ve never allowed such a silly-looking, ridiculous thing to have made its way into his films.

Clearly the writer (or more so the picture editor) - who aren’t named and shamed in the above image - aren’t all that clued up on their A-Wings from Y-Wings, or their AT-ATs from AT-STs.

Having been shared over on imgur, the error’s (naturally) gone viral and has been viewed almost a million times - which is some exposure for the writer.

With ‘The Force Awakens’ just around the corner, anticipation levels are at an all time high - we wish next week would warp speed its way here pronto! (Wait, sorry, that’s ‘Star Trek’.)

‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ is in UK cinemas on 17 December.

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Picture credits: Disney, Lucasfilm, Daily Star