Daisy Auger-Domínguez | MAKERS Community Conversations

Daisy Auger-Domínguez discusses why she wrote her book and why it's important for women of color, especially Latinas, to have a voice in the Diversity and Inclusion conversations happening in workplaces.

Video Transcript

DAISY AUGER-DOMINGUEZ: I love talking. I love engaging with communities. And I would often share the stories that I'm sharing now. And people would tell me, you need to write a book.

But it took me time to also decide what kind of book I wanted to write. And by the way, we need more stories of women of color out there. So I encourage everybody, it's possible to break in.

For me, it was having clarity on the voice that I wanted my book to have, which was a voice that I saw missing in D&I work. And that's the voice of women of color, of Latinx women, of women who are on the inside doing the work. I wanted it to have a distinct Latina voice.

It's in English, but there's a little Spanglish scattered through there. I wanted it to be practical and easy. But I also wanted it to be narrative-driven, so that there was both the application of it, and the inspiration of it. Because I think that that's often missing in this work, and we need a little bit of both.