Corrections and clarifications

• An article about a vaccine efficacy study said “people who had been vaccinated with one shot” had a 43% (Pfizer) and 37% (Oxford) lower risk of emergency hospital admission, and a 51% lower risk of death (Pfizer). To clarify, these percentages related only to people who developed Covid after being vaccinated, and were therefore in addition to the reduced risk of developing symptomatic Covid in the first place. Also, an editing error led us to state that “protection after developing symptoms fell” by 57-61% for one Pfizer dose and 60-73% for an Oxford dose. Those percentages are for how effective the vaccine is in protecting people against developing symptoms (Hancock seizes on data to urge EU to think again on Oxford jab, 2 March, page 1).

• Other recently amended articles include:

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Brexit: loyalist paramilitary groups renounce Good Friday agreement

New UK science body could be used as ‘cover for cronyism’

Falling sperm counts ‘threaten human survival’

‘Help and you are a criminal’: the fight to defend refugee rights at Europe’s borders

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Blue carbon: how three Australian marine sites lock away 2bn tonnes of CO2