Chris Costello, candidate for NC House District 33

Name: Chris Costello

Political party: Libertarian

Age as of Nov. 8, 2022: 47

Campaign website: In development

Occupation: Realtor

Education: Yes

Have you run for elected office before? No

Please list highlights of your civic involvement: I have volunteered for many different programs to help reach out to the underprivileged. As well as making a habit of helping people out everyday.

What are the three issues that you see as most important to your district and what will you do to address them?

Small businesses, education and housing security. In short, ideas like economic development zones, school vouchers and basic income guarantee can address these issues!

At a time when costs are rising, state government has a surplus. How should it be used?

I believe helping our local farmers would be a good investment as well as supporting small businesses, especially in areas in traditional minority small businesses have been hit hard.

Will you vote for Medicaid expansion in North Carolina?


What has the legislature gotten right, and what has it gotten wrong, about public education in North Carolina?

The embrace of Common Core was wrong. Increasing charter schools and leadership academies has been a good choice.

Should North Carolina change its abortion laws? How?

There should be a ban on abortion, with some exceptions.

Please add anything else voters should know about your position on the legality or availability of abortion in North Carolina.

I believe, ultimately, that the citizens of each state should decide how their state handles the abortion issue.

Should medical marijuana be legalized in North Carolina?


What, if anything, should the legislature do to shape curriculum dealing with topics of race, sexuality and gender?

I think these topics should remain based on scientific fact. The biological, psychological areas should probably be pointed out during instruction.

Do you accept the results of the 2020 presidential election?
