Pieces of ‘80s nostalgia that are about to become movies

Although we’ve thankfully been spared a gritty reboot of Teddy Ruxpin, or a Rainbow Brite cinematic universe, more and more artifacts of ‘80s pop-culture are being mined for potential box office gold. In addition to that “Fraggle Rock” movie starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, here are some other upcoming flicks that will either ruin or validate your cherished memories.

Jem and the Holograms


Beloved cartoon “Jem and the Holograms” is coming to the big screen this fall in the form of a live-action adaptation.

The first trailer is already 

angering some fans by seemingly eliminating the central conceit of the show (magical holographic computer technology has been replaced by Photoshop and corporate intrigue)-- but we’ll have to wait and see if “Jem” has the potential to do for keytars and makeup what “E.T.” did for Reese’s Pieces.

Troll Dolls


Remember those adorably creepy little plastic dolls? They were actually created back in the '50s, but weren’t popularized in North America until the ‘80s, eventually spreading across the continent like a cute naked plague by the early ‘90s.

For some reason, Dreamworks is giving the Troll Dolls their own feature-length movie. Presumably it will be rated R for disturbing, anatomically incorrect, Troll-related nudity.



Sci-fi animated series and popular toy line, “Robotech” is being developed into a live-action feature film by Sony-- because Sony understands that audiences like watching giant robots fight each other. Reportedly,"Saw" director James Wan is in talks to direct with the property being groomed for a potential franchise-- although it remains to be seen if people will want to watch “Robotech” in a theatre instead of at home in their pajamas on Saturday morning, cramming their faces with sugary cereal.


After being stuck in development hell for a number of years, it looks like a new “Masters of the Universe” movie is actually being made-- this time without Dolph Lundgren and Courtney Cox.

As proof that famous toy and cartoon character He-Man will finally be returning to the big screen, a Columbia executive tweeted a cover of the finished script and some concept art for Battle Cat, He-Man’s trusty feline steed. Sold separately.



‘80s remakes seem to either go dark, brooding and gritty, or broad, farcical parody. Since the TV show “Manimal,” in which a handsome doctor solves crimes by shapeshifting into animals, apparently isn’t serious enough for 2015, its remake falls into the latter category-- a comedic adaptation is being developed by Will Ferrell.