What happens when you replace a gun with a thumbs-up in a famous movie scene?

It's funny how just a little photo manipulation can completely change the tone of iconic movie scene. Replace the gun of a big screen action hero or heroine with a thumbs up gesture, and things go from “Stop or I’ll shoot!” to “Relax... everything is cool!”

That’s the concept behind Thumbs & Ammo, a new blog dedicated to remixing famous gun-toting film moments into thumb-flipping alternate versions of the same scene. The blog’s tagline reads “Real tough guys don't need guns, they just need a positive, can-do attitude,” and the site definitely lives up to that mission statement. The blog invites users to submit their own gun/thumbs up mashups.

Based on the examples turned out by Thumbs & Ammo fans so far, it's plain to see that characters like John Rambo, James Bond, and Han Solo are just more content giving the affirmative hand motion than threateningly pointing a gun at themselves or others.

Check out some of the highlights from the Thumbs & Ammo blog below.

We wonder how long it will be before someone decides to turn the meme on its head, inserting similar hand gestures like the A-OK sign, lewd expressions involving a certain third finger, or even turning photos of people giving the thumbs up into stills of firearm-wielding heroes. Thumb-toting movie critics Siskel and Ebert are begging for a remix!