‘X-Men’/'Fantastic Four’ Crossover Teased as ‘Days of Future Past’ Wraps

Summer 2013 may be winding down, but we're already psyched for Summer 2014 (and beyond) as some tantalizing "X-Men" news has come down the pipeline ... and how the mutant Marvel franchise may be getting a visit from Marvel's own first family.

Comics maestro Mark Millar, whose "Kick-Ass 2" opened this past weekend, spoke about a possible "X-Men"/"Fantastic Four" crossover as 20th Century Fox looks to reboot its other (potentially) big Marvel franchise.

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"Without question I think you have to see some of these guys showing up in each other's movies," said Millar in a recent interview with SFX. "I think the most exciting thing in superhero movies, until 'The Avengers' came along, was when Nick Fury showed up in 'Iron Man.' Even though it was a guy with an eye patch it was really cool — and I expect we will see more of that."

The first two FF movies, "Fantastic Four" (2005) and "4: Rise of the Silver Surfer" (2007), didn't exactly make anyone's list of Favorite Superhero Movies. So what's the key to getting them right now that the bar on comic book movies has been raised even higher by the likes of "The Dark Knight" and "Marvel's The Avengers"?

Millar feels it all boils down to the right director.

"For the new one all they have to do is make it great," said Millar. "It sounds obvious and it is. Sam Raimi gave us a great Spider-Man. Christopher Nolan gave us a great Batman. So a brilliant director is probably the most important thing for a great Fantastic Four. Tim Story was seen as an odd choice for 'Fantastic Four' but when you have a Josh Trank you know you are in safe hands."

Yes, because Josh Trank has certainly proven himself with ... one decent movie on his resume. Hey, at least "Chronicle" is a superhero movie, which these days might mean you're at least halfway to doing right by another one.

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Millar's talk of the future of the Fantastic Four comes with news that next summer's "X-Men: Days of Future Past" has wrapped principal photography, with the first official still being released to mark the occasion. The pic features James McAvoy as a wheelchair-bound Charles Xavier, Nicholas Hoult as Hank McCoy/Beast and, of course, Hugh Jackman as Wolverine.

The ever Twitter-happy Bryan Singer also posted a few new tweets in celebration, with a "Just Wrapped!" pic featuring him, Jackman, screenwriter Simon Kinberg and "The Wolverine" producer Hutch Parker.

Singer was also tweeting over the last couple of days of shooting, giving us a look at Michael Fassbender as Magneto in sunglasses:

And a look at some X-Men "Artifacts":

And now comes the long, hard road to May 23, 2014, when "X-Men: Days of Future Past" hits theaters. Josh Trank's "The Fantastic Four" is currently set for a release date of March 6, 2015.

Watch 'X-Men: Days of Future Past' Comic-Con Panel: