Fresh Off JoBros Breakup, Nick Jonas (and His Abs) Make Movie Trailer Debut!

Nick Jonas in "Careful What You Wish For"
Nick Jonas in "Careful What You Wish For"

One-third of the Jonas Brothers is about to learn the hard way that you never, ever mess with a man's trophy wife.

It would appear that Nick Jonas is all grown up and ready to break free from his squeaky-clean Disney image with a starring role in "Careful What You Wish For," an erotic thriller that warns of the deadly consequences of lusting after Isabel Lucas.

The first teaser for the film is barely 23 seconds long, but it efficiently summarizes what it's all about: Nick plays a guy who's envious of Dermot Mulroney's many lavish possessions, not the least of which is his bikini-clad bride who's at least 20 years his junior. Soon, she's committing adultery with a Jonas Brother, and Mulroney doesn't look too happy about it.

It's an equal opportunity kind of titillating teaser, as you get shots of both Jonas and Lucas emerging from the sea in swimwear. How can these two youngsters resist one another?

Not that there needs to be, but there's actually more to the plot. IMDb describes Mulroney's character as an investment banker, and the forbidden sexual tryst leads to conspiracy and murder. That's usually how it goes, after all.

The teaser is being released hot on the heels of the Jonas Brothers announcing their split after 10 years together as recording artists. A farewell message to their fans was posted on their Facebook page last week, saying that "The time has come for us to move forward on individual career paths. We have been a band of brothers for 10 years and are now choosing simply to be brothers."

Well, it would appear that at least Nick is jumping right into that "individual career path" ... and it's downright steamy! We'll be interested to see what's in store for Kevin and Joe as they embark on their post-boy band adventures.

"Careful What You Wish For" will open sometime in 2014.