Trailer: 'Sex Tape' Gets Cray With Cameron Diaz, but Don't Mistake It for 'Bad Teacher'

WARNING: You must be at least 17-years-old to view this trailer.

Cameron Diaz is upping the ante in "Sex Tape," so says director Jake Kasdan, who helmed Diaz's turn as the worst middle school teacher on the planet in 2011's "Bad Teacher."

In "Teacher," Diaz's warped Elizabeth lies, cheats, and steals her way to the dough required for her dream boob job — you know, the thing that will solve all of her problems by making her more instantly attractive to rich, single men.

Sounds like a hit, right? "Bad Teacher" didn't impress critics when it came out in 2011 but the R-rated comedy won over audiences in a big way, bringing in a cool $216 million worldwide box office against a production budget of just $20 mil.

Jake Kasdan, who directed Diaz and Jason Segel in "Teacher," has teamed up with them again for "Sex Tape" (red-band trailer available above).

[Related: Get a First Peek at Cameron Diaz's 'Sex Tape'... Movie Poster]

The two actors play different characters in the upcoming "Tape" than they did in "Teacher," Kasdan confirmed to Yahoo Movies during a recent phone conversation, but the film shares an intelligent-yet-tacky humor pallette with "Teacher."

Read on for Kasdan's take on Segel and Diaz's free spirited on set ways, his penchant for R-rated fare, and why he thinks Diaz is the best R-rated comedy actress around:

What was the craziest thing that happend on the "Sex Tape" set?
Jake Kasdan: Toward the end of the shoot it came time to actually shoot the sex tape — which we did do — the big, insane sequence. We ended up doing, just the three of us in a room, 14 hours filming all of the craziest sex jokes we could come up with in that time as well as what we had planned. It was one of the more surreal days of shooting ever, but really really fun. I just can't think of any two people who can and are willing to go for it in the way that those two do.

How are Diaz and Segel's characters different in "Sex Tape" from their roles in "Bad Teacher"?
There's really almost no overlap. They're playing a couple who met in college, have been married for 10 years or so. They have two kids. And most notably she's a gentle and lovely person — a strong together mother of two. He's got a job. They both play people who can take care of themselves and each other. [Laughs] It's very different in that way…. He has a professional need for a bunch of iPads.

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A sex tape accidentally shared through the cloud, destruction of those troublesome iPads, Siri is clearly no help: This is almost an anti-commercial for Apple… Or is it?
It's not actually the iCloud.. He plays a music director for a radio station who with his job has a very elaborate set of thinking needs because he has these huge, professionally-sized music libraries, and he uses an industrial syncing system to keep track of all his stuff. And the upgrade on the app goes haywire and ends up over-syncing his various files. They find themselves needing to reclaim a bunch of iPads he'd been using for work, that he'd then been giving as gifts.

Obviously this isn't your first time working with Segel. Also counting his work in "Forgetting Sarah Marshall," "Knocked Up," and other films he's done, we know he likes to drop trou. Is he going there in "Sex Tape"?
Again, Jason Segel and "Sex Tape" — you can imagine. He doesn't hold back suddenly when he's making "Sex Tape."

Diaz and Segel seem pretty free spirited ever any awkwardness on set?
I've got to say, it's probably the least awkward movie making experience I've ever head. They already knew each other well and are good friends, had made the other movie together. But then also, they're the two most completely game actors I've ever worked with. It was a great benefit in making this movie where it's very intimate. A huge part of the movie is just the two of them, it was a movie where they spent literally weeks together in bed. They could not have been more game. They're adventurous, they're hilarious, and they're very free about going for any kind of a joke. It really wasn't awkward, I'm afraid. We tested the limits of how far it could go without being awkward and we never found an awkward place.

You used Ginuwine's "Pony" for the trailer, also in that unforgettable "Magic Mike" strip scene with Channing Tatum. Great choice. It just screams sex, right?
There you go. Exactly. We use it in the movie. It's like you say, it screams sex.

There's a sort of dichotomy with you. You do a lot of TV, which is inherently PG, but your films are usually R-rated ("Bad Teacher," "Walk Hard," even "Zero Effect")… Is there a reason behind that?
When you're making network television that comes with it. [Laughs] I'm attracted to R-rated, edgy comedies. This one is very different than my last one, but it is my third in a row you could describe as a fairly hard R-rated comedy.  I've worked with really funny people who are really funny in that mode and I've enjoyed it. "Walk Hard" was the one before that, which was a different comedy universe. And this one, given that it's the same director and the same two stars, it's about as different as could be from "Bad Teacher." You could say I'm exploring all the different corners of that small neighborhood.

You've cast Cameron Diaz twice now. What keeps drawing you to her?
She's probably the greatest female R-rated comedy star of her generation. She's got this incredible gift about her presence: She's hugely accessible, hugely funny, as well as being very beautiful and everything. There's something about the combination of qualities that she brings that people enjoy watching her misbehave. In two different ways that's very central to both of these movies. "Bad Teacher" is a character misbehaving every second, and "Sex Tape" is a character who does something out of character and wild, and then spends the rest of the movie trying to deal with that decision. You get this great thing with Cameron, which is that people, because of their previous relationship with her in movies, and because of all the really funny, edgy comedies she's done, people have an expectation that it's going to get wild and she completely delivers on that. … She's up for any kind of joke. She's completely free on the set and makes it exciting, makes it fun.

Have you been betrayed by Siri? Have a story?
I've just recently started using Siri. I was a late adopter. I knew she was there but didn't quite know what to do with her. I've just recently started to dabble and [laughs] I've been pleasantly surprised. She's able to find a Starbucks for me all over the country.

Off topic, are you bugging your dad [writer Lawrence Kasdan] for "Star Wars" spoilers? Do you know any?
I don't know anything. I know as much about it as you do. You might know more about it. You can't know that stuff. There's some secrets you're better off not knowing. And I wouldn't be allowed to even if I wanted to.

"Sex Tape" opens nationwide on July 25.

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