Bella Hadid’s New Year’s Resolution Is to Give Up Her JUUL: 'So Far So Good!'

Nicotine withdrawal symptoms can be rough.

The start of a new year is a chance to make some changes in your life. For model Bella Hadid, that apparently includes cutting back on using her JUUL, a type of e-cigarette.

Hadid announced on Instagram in July 2017 that she planned to quit analog cigarettes. And since then Hadid has been open about her use of a JUUL vape on social media (even wondering on Twitter what type of JUUL pod Dave Chappelle uses).

But, according to a post on her Instagram Stories this week, Hadid is resolving to quit using her JUUL this year. "2019 resolution—quit Juuling! So far so good!" she wrote on Instagram along with a video of her using the device (presumably pre-resolution), per People.

E-cigarettes have come under scrutiny recently, especially from the FDA.

In March of last year, the FDA announced it would launch an unprecedented effort to curb nicotine addiction and smoking rates. And several months later, the agency targeted its efforts at e-cigarettes, especially among teens, who may not grasp the severity of what it means to have a nicotine addiction or dependence.

But, as SELF explained previously, the issue is complex: Some research suggests that e-cigarettes can actually help older adults who are already using traditional cigarettes by reducing their exposure to some carcinogenic compounds and, eventually, transitioning them away from nicotine entirely. On the other hand, people who don't already smoke aren't advised to take up using e-cigarettes, and other research suggests that taking up vaping as a teen actually increases your risk for using traditional cigarettes later.

So, the FDA made moves in September to crack down on youth e-cigarette use and companies that may be targeting teens with their advertising, specifically mentioning JUUL in a statement.

E-cigarettes still contain nicotine, so quitting them can cause withdrawal symptoms.

Although e-cigarettes don't come with many of the things that make traditional cigarettes dangerous, they do still have plenty of nicotine in them. As your body adjusts to the level of nicotine you're taking in, you'll notice that you might need more and more to get the same effects that you once got from vaping. That's your body building up a tolerance, one component of dependence.

And, if you try to quit or just go without vaping for a longer amount of time than usual, you might notice withdrawal symptoms. In addition to strong cravings for nicotine, those symptoms might include anxiety, irritability, and insomnia, the Mayo Clinic explains.

That definitely can make it difficult to quit, but there are some ways to make it a bit easier on yourself. For instance, using another method of nicotine replacement (possibly via prescription), taking advantage of counseling or coaching (in person, over the phone, or with an app), and making sure you're taking care of yourself in other ways (eating nutritious meals and engaging in physical activity, for instance) can all help you work through withdrawal symptoms.

As SELF explained previously, it may also be helpful to get your friends and family in on the plan for some support, to try out a new stress-relieving habit or activity, or to even check in with a therapist to learn other ways of coping with stress and changing your behavior. Above all, know that you're doing something difficult but great for your health.
