Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice Was Originally 4 Hours Long

‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’ editor David Brenner has revealed the original cut was almost four hours long.


Regardless of whether you love or hate Zack Snyder’s DC outing, it’s made a tidy profit at the box office, but would you have really wanted to spend such a long spell confined to a cinema watching one superhero flick?

Provideo Coalition’s interview with the movie’s editor brought up the film’s original state and how there were even more plots and characters (yes, it’s hard to believe) that were scrapped from the theatrical cut we ended up seeing on the big screen.

“It was a lot to juggle. So the plot lines of a couple characters had to go. These people are currently in the movie but we don’t track them, and it’s okay,” reassures Brenner.

With speculation of an R-rated release on the horizon, Brenner says how satisfying it was to put the removed segments of the story back in, and that it dramatically extended the runtime.

“What’s kind of fun is that we went back and did an extended cut where we put a lot of this stuff back, and we refined it into the same rhythm as the theatrical release. So what was once a nearly four-hour cut with absolutely everything was ridiculous – ended up being about a three-hour cut, once all these added story lines were refined with the fat was cut out.”


And as if we needed any more fuel added to the fire that the production had been somewhat overly ambitious, he recalls how ‘Man of Steel’ also suffered from the same editing woes.

“I remember being a little worried. Three and a half hours, okay, that’s fine for a movie of this size, the way Zack likes to work. This was more daunting. But we cut down ‘Man of Steel’ from about 3 and half hours, I knew we’d get this done.”

As it stood, the final released version was shaved further to two hours 31 minutes, which was more than enough time for us to grasp what was going on in the DC crossover.

‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’ is in UK cinemas now.

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Picture credit: Warner Bros.