We can achieve Trump’s ‘energy dominance’ without relying mainly on fossil fuels

Trump rollbacks

The article headlined “Trump pushes new environmental rollbacks on way out the door” (Nov. 19) shows our lame-duck president undermining even more protections for wildlife and public lands.

He attacks legislation such as the 1918 Migratory Bird Treaty Act and sells land rights in the Arctic Refuge for short-term energy gains that will bring negative long-term consequences.

We can have adequate energy and creature comforts without poisoning ourselves or our environment. We don’t need to cling to antiquated habits, when there are so many alternatives.

The first step forward should be a fee on fossil fuel production to encourage innovative ways to produce energy and lead us away from destroying the land. We can achieve Trump’s “energy dominance” without relying mainly on fossil fuels.

Kim Fanelly, Mint Hill

Republican Party

As a lifelong registered independent, there is clear risk in that the Republican Party has not provided a suitably constructive platform to attract my vote.

From my perspective, the current iteration of the Republican Party is expending more energy on suppressing the vote.

Is it the party’s intention to participate in our political system by putting forth a platform we can all be proud of? I am certainly looking forward to it.

Conservatives, keep your chin up and look to the future. We need you to be successful and help provide real leadership for our country.

Steve Adams, Charlotte

Trump’s chance

With regard to ”Give Joe a chance,” (Nov. 29 Forum), where was President Trump’s chance from those who voted for Hillary Clinton? Trump wanted to make America great again. He was met with criticism and opposition and his every move challenged and blocked from the first hour he held office. He was shown no support whatsoever. Support and chances should be a two-way street.

Ruth Swander, Charlotte

Thiessen’s logic

Marc Thiessen’s Nov. 29 op-ed on his mother’s legacy was heartfelt, touching and interesting. It included strong statements about the contribution of immigrants and the importance of acceptance. That simply does not square with the twisted logic and out of context arguments in support of Donald Trump that Thiessen has been writing for the last several years. He is rightly proud of his mother, but I’d be curious to know what she thought of a wannabe authoritarian like Trump.

David Basri, Charlotte

Rudy Giuliani

It is so sad to see someone who was a pillar of the Republican Party flame out and crash. Rudy Giuliani’s streaming hair dye said it all.

His odd selections for his legal team have angered some Republicans. Other legal teams are quitting or distancing themselves from Giuliani’s group.

His lack of preparation for court has resulted in loss after loss, even when there are Republican judges presiding. He has had difficulty expressing himself and in understanding judicial lingo even though he was, at one time, an accomplished attorney. He had a press conference between a sex shop and crematorium. What has happened to Giuliani?

David Hyman, Charlotte

Cover your nose

I am seeing more people wearing masks below their noses. I’ve seen that several times recently at Harris Teeter and the people doing it were mostly employees. Harris Teeter recently sent an email to customers urging us to protect their employees. The least they can do is insist that employees protect customers by wearing masks correctly.

There needs to be a much better effort to make people understand the virus is carried mostly in the nasal passages, so if you’re not covering your nose you might as well not be wearing a mask.

Dora O’Shaughnessy, Charlotte

Food banks

As I prepared my list of donations for Giving Tuesday, I was gratified to learn that Michael Jordan donated $2 million to Feeding America.

I’ve been volunteering with Bountiful Blessings in Gastonia, which primarily receives food from Second Harvest Food Bank of Metrolina. The impact of these food bank networks to serve food insecure individuals is tremendous.

I urge people to follow Jordan’s example and give what they can to organizations that fight hunger.

John Anderson, Belmont