9 Countries With Blue-Yellow-Red Flags

Venezuela flag flying against a cloudy sky
The flag of Venezuela, with its horizontal tricolor of yellow, blue and red, was conceived by Francisco de Miranda, an important figure in Latin America's independence. Kutay Tanir / Getty Images

Countries with blue/yellow/red flags tell stories of culture, struggle and triumph. For instance, Colombia's golden stripe symbolizes their rich resources, Moldova's blue represents hope and Romania's vibrant blue speaks of the sky above. (Then there's Chad, whose flag mirrors Romania's, often leading to mix-ups at international events ... oops.)

These colors are more than just aesthetics; they are emblems of each nation's identity, reflecting a history that ranges from the peaks of the Andes to the heart of Eastern Europe, uniting diverse peoples through a shared language of sovereignty and community.

Let's explore some of the places that carry these colors on their national flags.

Get ready to unravel the vibrant hues of blue, yellow and red flags, where every fold reveals a chapter of history, like Romania's and Chad's nearly identical banners that once allegedly stirred up confusion at a United Nations meet-up.

Andorra flag
Andorra flag. pop_jop / Getty Images


Mirroring Andorra's stature nestled high in the Pyrenees, the national flag displays a proud vertical tricolor of blue, yellow and red. These colors are a nod to the nation's unique bond with France and Spain, whose historical influence is woven into the fabric of Andorran identity.

Central to this narrative is the coat of arms, a mosaic of the Bishop of Urgell and the Counts of Foix, echoing the past rulers and underscoring Andorra's long-standing tradition of co-principality. On the coat of arms, the motto "Virtus Unita Fortior" (which roughly translates to "united virtue is stronger") proclaims the enduring Andorran spirit.

Officially standardized in the wave of constitutional change in 1993, the flag stands as a symbol of Andorra's sovereignty, rich history and unbreakable ties with its powerful neighbors, celebrating a tricolor legacy that dates back to the 1800s.

Flag Terms to Know

In the study of flags, known as vexillology, every term paints a part of the picture. The hoist refers to the side where the flag is fixed to the pole, and the fly is the fluttering end opposite it. The field is the flag's backdrop, which often bears a central emblem, symbol or design known as a charge. The canton is a special section near the hoist, reserved for significant icons. For example, the flag of the United States features a canton, known as the "Union," which is the blue rectangle in the top left corner that contains the 50 stars representing the 50 states. And finally, fimbriation is a narrow border or edging of contrasting color between larger areas of different colors. It's used to separate colors that would clash or not stand out if they were adjacent, ensuring that each element is distinctly visible even from a distance.

Chad flag
Chad flag. Magnilion / Getty Images


Chad's national flag, adopted at independence in 1959, proudly displays vertical stripes of blue, yellow and red. Echoing France's tricolor and incorporating Pan-African colors, the blue stripe symbolizes the sky and hope, the yellow represents the sun and the Saharan desert, and the red signifies the blood shed for freedom.

Each stripe is equal in width, symbolizing the equal importance of these three pillars in the nation's identity. This tricolor is a potent reminder of Chad's sovereignty, struggle for freedom and place within the wider African community.

Notably, Chad's flag resembles Romania's, differing only in the shade of blue. This has led to occasional confusion, but neither country has changed its flag despite proposals.

Colombia flag
Colombia flag. Magnilion / Getty Images


The blue, red and yellow flag of Colombia consists of three horizontal bands. The vibrant yellow top half signifies Colombia's bounteous resources and sovereignty; the color blue represents the freedom and depth of the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea that border Colombia; and the red stripe stands for the blood spilled achieving independence, reflecting valor and generosity.

This flag was originally conceived by General Francisco de Miranda, who is also credited with designing the first version of the Venezuelan flag. Colombia's flag design has influenced other Andean countries, emphasizing shared cultural and liberation histories. It was officially adopted in 1861, reflecting the country's sovereignty and unity after independence.

Democratic Republic of the Congo flag
Democratic Republic of the Congo flag. Manuel Augusto Moreno / Getty Images

Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Democratic Republic of the Congo has witnessed a dynamic evolution of its flag, mirroring the nation's vibrant but complex history. At independence in 1960, the flag featured a yellow star on a blue background without a red stripe. A few years later, a new flag was introduced with vertical stripes and a small coat of arms, which remained until 1971.

Under Mobutu Sese Seko's rule — when the country was named Zaire — a distinctive flag with a green field and a yellow arm holding a flaming torch was adopted. After Mobutu's fall, the country returned to a version of its 1963-1971 flag, with slight modifications.

The current tricolor flag, reinstated in 2006, echoes this earlier design with a sky blue field representing peace and a large yellow star in the canton for hope and the country's wealth. The diagonal red stripe bordered by two small yellow stripes stands for the blood of the country's martyrs and signifies the valor of the Congolese people.

Ecuador flag
Ecuador flag. Magnilion / Getty Images


Ecuador's flag is distinguished by three horizontal stripes: a yellow top half, and thinner blue and red bands below.

The yellow symbolizes the country's abundant natural resources and fertile soil, while the blue band represents the clear skies and the ocean, reflecting the aspirations of freedom that played a significant role in the country's independence. The red stripe stands for the bloodshed by the soldiers and martyrs in the struggle for independence.

At the heart of the flag is the Ecuadorian coat of arms, which features the Andean condor (a symbol of power and strength) poised above the country's emblem, signifying protection of the nation's dignity. This coat of arms is only present on the state flag — not on the civil version used by citizens.

Ecuador shares its flag colors with Colombia and Venezuela, as all were once part of Gran Colombia, a postcolonial nation that existed in the early 19th century.

Moldova flag
Moldova flag. Magnilion / Getty Images


Moldova's flag presents a striking tricolor of vertical stripes, with liberty's blue, the fertile yellow of its celebrated agricultural lands and the valorous red of its hard-won independence. The central yellow stripe is adorned with the national coat of arms, featuring an eagle that clutches a cross, an olive branch and a scepter, symbols of sovereignty and peace.

Emblazoned on the eagle's chest is a shield showcasing an aurochs, a mighty symbol of strength, accompanied by a rose, crescent and a five-pointed star, each heralding the historical influences that have shaped Moldova.

The current flag of Moldova was officially adopted on May 12, 1990, following the country's declaration of sovereignty from the Soviet Union.

Moldova's flag closely resembles Romania's flag, reflecting the countries' shared history and culture. This similarity is rooted in Moldova being part of Romania before World War II and again from 1918 to 1940.

Mongolia Flag
Mongolia Flag. pop_jop / Getty Images


Mongolia's flag paints a striking panorama of tradition and modernity and features three vertical stripes. The blue stripe represents the eternal blue sky, which is a significant aspect of Tengrism and reflects the vastness of the Mongolian landscape. The red stripes represent the valor and long-standing tradition of thriving in the harshness of nature.

On the left-hand red stripe, closest to the flagpole, sits Mongolia's national emblem, the Soyombo symbol.

This columnar arrangement of abstract and geometric representations of fire, sun, moon, earth, water and the Taijitu represents the freedom and independence of the Mongolian people. The Soyombo symbol has been used since the 17th century and holds deep historical significance as a national emblem that has survived through various regimes.

Finally, the two triangles pointing away from the pole represent sharpness and vigilance against enemies.

Romania flag
Romania flag. SimpleImages / Getty Images


The Romanian flag boasts three equal vertical stripes: blue, yellow and red, from the hoist (the side closest to the pole) to the fly (the opposite end of the flag). Officially adopted shortly after the fall of communism in 1989, the tricolor stands for liberty, justice and fraternity.

The blue stripe is often associated with the sky, the yellow sun signifies prosperity and the golden wheat fields covering Romania’s landscape, while the red symbolizes the courage and bloodshed of those who fought for Romania's independence.

Notably, the flag resembles Chad's flag, which has led to some contention. However, Romania's flag dates back to the 1848 Revolution, and the colors themselves have historical significance dating from the princely arms of Walachia and Moldavia.

The country's banner was enshrined as a national symbol when Romania became a United Nations member in 1955. The state flag sometimes includes the coat of arms in the center of the yellow stripe, used by government officials and on international occasions.

Venezuela flag
Venezuela flag. Magnilion / Getty Images


The flag of Venezuela, with its horizontal tricolor of yellow, blue and red, was conceived by Francisco de Miranda, an important figure in Latin America's independence.

The yellow represents the nation's wealth, the sun, and the virtue of generosity, while the blue band is adorned with eight stars, each symbolizing one of the original provinces that participated in the independence movement. The red stands for valor and the blood spilled for independence.

Since its initial adoption in 1811, the flag has seen several modifications, including an update to the number of stars. The current version, adopted in 2006, added an eighth star for the province of Guayana and features the national coat of arms on the yellow band at the hoist for official use.

The colors are sometimes romantically linked to a rainbow Miranda saw in Italy, symbolizing hope and the birth of a new nation.

This article was written in conjunction with AI technology, then fact-checked and edited by a HowStuffWorks editor.

Original article: 9 Countries With Blue-Yellow-Red Flags

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