Brittany Wright reveals her most touching fan moments yet

Brittany Wright reveals her most touching fan moments yet

Brittany Wright's vibrant food photographs are proving to be more than just stunning images -- they're also a form of visual therapy for many suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

When we caught up with Wright, she told us that her snaps, which are noted for being organized in color gradients, have been a source of relief for many fans who have severe OCD.

Of course not all reaction has been positive (it never is when the Internet is involved) and Wright has had her fair share of downs, especially her photographs being stolen and used for other purposes without her permission.

But no matter how bad it gets, Wright always seems to come back to the people she's helping the most, noting "I just keep fighting and I remember that what I'm doing is really making people's day or I'm giving them something to smile about." It's an outlook everyone should be copying for themselves.

To read more about Brittany's fan reactions and find out what the biggest misconception in her work is, read below!

YouShouldKnow is a feature that showcases up-and-coming social stars. To see more of past interviews, including more Brittany Wright features, click here.

How has fan reaction been since you started The Wright Kitchen?
It's all over the place. There's so many different reactions and it's 99% positive, except for the the deep depths of the Internet where all they do is hate on everything they possibly can saying, "Oh that grape is in the wrong spot."

There are people using my photos to tell someone that they care about them, or a lot of people who have severe OCD have reached out to me to say that my pictures soothes them when they feel a nervous tick and it helps relieve that. Which is insane to me that I can create something accidentally that helps people in a medical way. There are people that have told me that I inspire them to feed their families better or just to eat better in general. Those are the things that keep me going.

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I have a huge issue with my art getting stolen and people posting it around the internet without anything that connects it back to me, and it hurts me a lot to see it, but I just keep fighting and I remember that what I'm doing is really making people's day or I'm giving them something to smile about. So I focus on that and not the negative aspects of this.

What's the biggest misconception you think people have about your work?
For some reason, I think people believe that I'm throwing all the food away. One of the most exciting parts about what I do is that I get to be creative after the photo and I get to find ways to work with these 400 apples and preserve or cook in the now with these ingredients. I definitely don't throw it away. This Wednesday too, I'm actually going to a local food bank to build a good relationship so that way I have a good channel I can give the extra food too.

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