Zombie nativity scene causes major controversy

Ohio Man Fined for Zombie Nativity Scene
Ohio Man Fined for Zombie Nativity Scene

A couple has upset officials and some religious people in their hometown of Cincinnati, Ohio for constructing a spooky, zombie-themed nativity scene in their front yard. Jasen and Amanda Dixon now face fines of $500 per day if they do not take down the huge display.

This is not the first time the Dixons have faced negative reactions for their display. The nativity scene was first created last year as a publicity stunt to bring more visitors to the haunted house Jasen Dixon runs, Local 12 WKRC-TV reports. Mr. Dixon brought it back because of its popularity although everyone wasn't pleased with the scene.

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The Dixons ran into problems last year when local officials said they did not have a permit for the display. The couple thought they were in the clear this year, but their permit application was denied.

Local churchgoers have placed flyers outside of the family's home, noting that God also doesn't approve. "If you read the scriptures closely the God of the Bible is not only a God of love, but also a God of wrath. God never expresses even the slightest inkling of humor towards demons or, in this case, zombies," the flyer reads.

The Dixons say their display has nothing to do with religion, writing, "We are not Atheist," on their Facebook page.

Although the deadline from zoning officials is up, the couple decided to keep the display in their yard. They are asking for donations to cover any fines they may incur.

More on the zombie-themed nativity scene below:

Zombie Nativity Scene Is Too Scary for One Town
Zombie Nativity Scene Is Too Scary for One Town

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