Donald Trump shooting his mouth at United Nations

One of my least favorite human beings, Donald Trump, is making headlines with his suggestion that he could do a quicker, less expensive completion of the over-budget, delayed renovations taking place at the United Nations headquarters.

Trump told the Associated Press that "It's a total disgrace. First of all, it's going to take seven and a half years to renovate; it should take 18 months .... It shouldn't cost more than $750 million. What's happening to all that money?"

But the UN, which awarded the $1 billion contract to Skanska USA, says that it wished Trump would have stepped forward earlier. Vivian Van de Perre, the U.N.'s chief of administration for its capital master plan told the Associated Press that it had encouraged Trump to bid on the renovations but that he didn't: "We wish he had put in a bid for $750 million."

So here's my question: If efficiency expert Donald Trump, who has managed to lose a boatload of money running casinos, could do it for less than $750 million, why did he let someone else take it for $1 billion when he'd been invited to bid?

Methinks the Combed Over One doth protest too much -- He's frustrated that his show's a flop and he isn't making headlines anymore.