Alternate universe movie posters
What if classic films of yesteryear had not been a product of their respective eras, but instead were made in completely different time periods? What would the cast of a 1940s version of "Inception" look like? Who would direct "Trainspotting" if it had been made in the '60s? Those are exactly the kinds of questions that designer Peter Stults sought to answer with his imaginative alternate universe movie poster project. Check out a few examples below.
Stults took inspiration from a similar collection of movie poster "what ifs," but his efforts are far better executed both in terms of design and his casting choices. From William Shatner in a cheeseball late-'60s version of "Avatar," to James Dean in a '50s take on "Drive," and even John Wayne as the titular hero in "Superman," it's hard not to geek out and imagine the possibilities. A Sean Connery-starring psychedelic take on the sci-fi adventure film "The Fifth Element" would definitely be worth watching. Hopefully Stults decides to produce more of these posters.
You can see the whole collection here.