Miss Piggy Plays 'Kiss, Marry, Karate Chop'

We all know the game "Kiss, Marry, Kill," in which you're given the names of three people, and you have to decide which one you'd kiss, which one you'd marry, and which one you'd kill.

Well, when Miss Piggy came to Toronto to promote her new film "Muppets Most Wanted," our own Will Perkins used the opportunity to play a special version of the game: "Kiss, Marry, Karate Chop." Of course, famous diva that she is, Miss Piggy decided she was going to play the game her way.

Watch the video to see who was the target of Miss Piggy's wrath, as well as her secret to her long-lasting relationship with Kermit the Frog, and what she thought of working with Tina Fey.

"Muppets Most Wanted" is in theatres March 21.