They’re Really Going Through With This ‘Indiana Jones 5′ Business
Steven Spielberg has two movies coming out this December, and even if they're both bloody brilliant, we're still not sure it's enough to make up for "Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull." Not only did it bring a dead stop to the nice little filmmaking rhythm Spielberg had been pulling off -- working fast and dirty, a film or two a year, with energy his films had lacked in years previous -- but it of course did everything in its power to replace your childhood memories with Harrison Ford hiding in a refrigerator and Shia Labeouf pretending to be Marlon Brando in "The Wild One," badly. (Oh, and those stupid aliens even Spielberg didn't want.)
One would hope that the shame that project brought about Spielberg, Ford, George Lucas and their families would be enough to make them all take their time and think real hard about making another "Indiana Jones" movie anytime soon. One should not hope that. The film is apparently far closer than anyone realized.
Labeouf, talking to one of MTV's microphone drones on a red carpet somewhere, says that even though Lucas hasn't come out of his Genius Cave with an idea yet, this thing is happening soon.
"I talked to [Harrison Ford]. He said he's staying in the gym, he said he's heard no word, but he does know that [George Lucas] is out there looking for a MacGuffin. He said he's staying in the gym, so it means [the movie is] not so far off."
But even if a fifth "Indiana Jones" isn't "so far off," it sounds as though series mastermind George Lucas has yet to nail down a specific story line. Shia isn't losing patience quite yet, however: "I mean, he's got to let it sit. He's going through his ruminations, which is extensive."
We're trying to come up with the most depressing thing about Harrison Ford, who turns 69 years old next month, frantically hitting the gym to get in passable shape to play Indiana Jones while George Lucas "ruminates," but we just can't come up with just one.
'Indiana Jones 5' Is 'Not So Far Off,' Says Shia LaBeouf [MTV Movies Blog]