Emma Stone nudged toward ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ role by Jennifer Lawrence

Emma Stone says she had some reservations about taking on the role of Spider-Man's first girlfriend Gwen Stacy in "The Amazing Spider-Man" (in theaters July 3). As she grappled with her decision, she took comfort in the fact that Jennifer Lawrence -- star of mega hit "The Hunger Games" -- had the same issue.
"What scared me was the idea of 'What could happen to my life after doing something like this?'" Stone, 23, recently told Access Hollywood.
"I love Jennifer Lawrence and I watched a lot of her interviews for 'Hunger Games' -- it was kind of the same thing she was feeling," Stone said, referring to Lawrence's initial pre-"Games" hesitations in taking on the role of archer Katniss Everdeen.
[Related: 'Spider-Man' stars reveal first reaction to costume]
Before Lawrence, 21, had a decision to make, she first had to audition. As "Games" was being released, director Gary Ross told Yahoo! Movies he was "blown away" during her audition -- a role for which he only had her in mind. When the part was offered to her, however, she almost declined, getting talked out of it only by her mom (via Moviefone):
When I was almost going to turn this down because it was too big, my mom told me I was being a hypocrite, because I loved the story, loved the characters and I truly believe in the message that these films are bringing. I really don't feel like I'm being tied down to it -- especially after filming the first one, where I had the time of my life. I actually can't wait to go back. It's a character I would love to revisit. I think if you sign on to the right franchise [you're OK]. I don't feel like a slave to anyone. I feel like I'm very passionate about this story and what it means about our world and about humanity. It's something I want to talk about, I want people to see, and I'm proud to put my name to it.

[Related: Play the 'Amazing Spider-Man' online movie game]
And when it came time for Stone to submit her decision, she said (via Access Hollywood):
But the part and the process outweighed that fear... It felt like a stupid reason to not be part of this -- what might happen [and] how [my] life could change didn't feel like enough of a reason to not play Gwen, not to get to be involved with this and not to get to act with Andrew or to get to tell the story in a different way.
If only every girl had these "problems!"
Watch more videos from "The Amazing Spider-Man" opening July 3: